This month at LCB Depot, as part of Design 2023, we’re making dens- LOTS of Dens! Join us from 12-4pm on Saturday October 14th and make a city of dens across the site!
◽ Get inspired by our Design 2023 exhibition
◽ Build forts, wigwams castles and more using sheets, cardboard, sofas, tables, tubes…
◽ Spiral City- create spiral sculptures from clay and in the Big Draw and explore maths through creativity with @brainartuk
◽ Minecraft is back!
◽ Meet the architect- bring your questions and ideas and chat to a professional architect for FREE
◽ Join Hickman and Smith architects to build one of their own designs!
◽ Harvest time- it’s time to dig up, cook and eat what we planted back in the spring
◽ The Apple Press returns!join us to squeeze apples into the most delicious juice you’ve ever tasted!
◽ Get delicious lunch and refreshments from @grays_lcbdepot special family menu
◽ LOADS more family activities at venues across the Cultural Quarter
◽ FREE Rickshaws between venues from @rideleicester
Activities are FREE but if you can book a free ticket so we've got an idea of numbers that would be great
Cultural Quarter Earlies are free drop-in activities for toddlers to ten year olds (and their grown ups) across Leicester's Cultural Quarter on the 2nd Saturday of every month at Phoenix, Two Queens, Leicester Print Workshop, LCB Depot, and Curve. Follow @cqearlies to keep up to date and signup for the mailing list at
Find out more about exhibitions and events part of Design 2023 at